Shahadat Eve Bibi Fatemah Zahra (as)

Live Attendance & Online on Hyderi YouTube*Mask covering Nose & Mouth & Social distancing Absolutely Mandatory by Government Rule*Strictly no one will be allowed in the centre without a mask on!Programme ScheduleSponsored by Noorali & Ameen Families, Abbasali Khan & 4 Bande Khuda8:00pm: Sur e Yasin, Dua e Kumayl, Ziyarat Waritha8:45pm: Marsiya9:00pm: Majlis by Sheikh ...

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Ayyam e Fatimiyya: LADIES only Majlis @OLD HYDERI

Mask & Social Distancing Mandatory!!! Shahadat of Bibi Fatemah (AS) Ladies Majlis 7:00pm – Hadithe Kisa, Qur’an & Marsiya 7:40pm: Short talk in English by Sister Zahra Kanani 8:00pm: Short talk in Gujarati  by Sister Zainab Khimani 8:20pm: Mataam & Ziyarat 8:30pm: Tabaruk (Take  Away

Hyderi (KSISLJ) Notice

AGENDAPursuant to Clause 10 of the Constitution, notice is hereby given that a Special General Meeting (the Meeting) of the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri (South London) Jamaat will be held on Monday 17th January 2022 via Zoom (details to follow) for the purpose of transacting the following business:1.  Recitation of Holy Quran2. To consider and approve additional costs not exceeding £150,000 and ...

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