Ladies Imam Jaffer Sadiq (as) Sufro
2.00 PM:-Ladies Imam Jaffer Sadiq (as) Sufro
2.00 PM:-Ladies Imam Jaffer Sadiq (as) Sufro
8:01pm - Magribain Jamaat Namaaz, Hadith E Kissa 8:45pm - Majlis by Sayed Ammar Nakshawani ending with Qasida & Ziyarat
8:02pm - Magribain Jamaat Namaaz, Dua Tawassul 8:45pm - Majlis by Sayed Ammar Nakshawani ending with Qasida & Ziyarat
8:19pm Maghribain Namaaz 8:45pm Interactive session with Sayed Ali Imran(Toronto -Qum): Part 2 “Lead Up to the Occultation, the Wikalah Network and Role of the Imams' (a) Representatives, Response to Few Theological Doubts Regarding the 12th Imam”